
Top reason with secret of making sure cool cash online

Top secret of making sure cool cash online

$100  per day within  30  days  from  SCRATCH What is this  about... This will  be the SIMPLEST  and the EASIEST  way to  make money online  that  you will  EVER discover  (or  at  least  that  I  know  as of  2012,  June)...  THIS  IS  IT. Forget  EVERYTHING else.  Just  focus  on  this one thing  and  you should  be making  at  least $100  per  day within  30  days (probably more). Even  more,  I  know  you  can  reach $400  per  day  within  60  days :). Basically,  here's what  you will  be doing:  you will  be selling  on  a  phone using  my very unique strategy. This does not  include cold  calling  or  ANYTHING like that. 

There  will  be  ZERO  rejection. People will  be BEGGING to  talk  to  you! Before  we  go  further,  I  want  to  tell  you this:  selling  on  a  phone is VERY  easy.  I  am  telling  you this,  because  I  was amazed that  it  is  actually  easier  to  sell  a  product  for  $297  on  a phone,  than  it  is  to  sell  a  $10  product  on  the  internet.

And believe  me,  selling  a  $10 product  on  the internet  is easy.  I  am  not  kidding. However,  having  something  to  sell  that  is valuable  is  not  that  easy  to  create.  Selling  is the EASY part  (on  the  phone). You do  not  need to  be a  good salesman.  In  fact,  I  used to  be a  TERRIBLE  salesman  and even then  at  least  50% of the people who  I  talked to  bought  what  I  offered. So  selling  is the EASY  part. Creating  something  that  people  ACTUALLY  NEED  is  the  hard  part.

Though you can  become an  affiliate.,  but  you  will  only  make about  50%,  which is good enough,  but  not  perfect. But  that's the fastest  way  to  get  started. So  here's what  you do: You will  offer  a  FREE  coaching  call  about  how  to  do  what  your  product  that  you will  be selling teaches.

You do  NOT  need to  be making  any  money yourself – you will  their  story,  in  other  words you will  be BORROWING their  proof. Can  you see how  powerful  this is? You do  not  need to  be making  any  money yourself and people  will  want  to  talk  to  you on  a phone,  because  you will  leverage their  success. I  do  not  know  if you heard  of Empower  Network,  but  that  would  be  a  good example. 

The creator  of the product  makes $300k+  per  month and he shows  how  to  start  making  $30k+  per month. You could easily  sell  that.  I  mean,  EASILY. 

You could have 90% of the people who  you talk  to BUY THAT PRODUCT once  you get  good at  it.  It  will  take a  little bit  of time to  make  a  perfect pitch,  but  it  will  be WELL  worth it.

I  wish someone told me this method of making  money back  in  2010  when  I  started  trying  to make  money online.  I  would have started making  $400  within  30  days...  Probably even  more! However,  I  discovered this only  very  recently.

How  to  get  someone  on  a phone  with  you Getting  people on  a  phone with you will  be easy.  Here's all  you need:

• Traffic  (you  can  buy  it  really cheap  from  or  do  ad swaps)

• Capture page

• Page which  will  let  them  know  about  your  FREE  coaching  call How do  you present  yourself? You present  yourself  as an  expert. 

Please understand this. 

You DO  NOT  need to  be making money yourself  (though very soon  you will  make your  first  commission...  and it  will  become  EASIER  and EASIER  every month),  you will  tell  them  that  you are trained by whoever  sells the  product  and you tell  them  how  much that  person  MAKES. So  if you sell  Empower  Network,  you tell  them  the creator  makes $300k+  per  month. And yes,   even  if they do  not  buy anything,  they will  say thank  you,  if you do  this right.

Basic  Script Hello,  this is...   we scheduled a  coaching  call  about  how  to  start  making  money online..  how are  you doing  today?

Will  ask  you a  few  questions about  yourself and then  I  will  see how  I  can  help  you,  OK?

* So  tell  me a  little  bit  about  yourself.? 

* Tell  me about  what  were you doing  before  you started trying  to  make money online.?

* Tell me about: 

kids,  wifes, families, work, friends education

* How long  ago  did you start  trying  to  make money  online?

* What have you done so  far  to  make money online?

* Have you made any money online before?

* Why do  you want  to  make money online?

* How many hours do you spent online  per  day?

OK......... Back to business.

Will teach you how  to____.?

Does that  sound interesting?

But if will showe you how  to_____,

would you be prepared  to  follow  my instructions?

for  example,

Dave  Wood (creator  of Empower Network) has a  PERFECT  story. You will  need to  dig  a  little  bit  to  do  this.

This  is THE  MOST  IMPORTANT  PART. This gets  them  into  a  certain  state.

Now his your laptop or desktop with you  right  now?

Has it connected to the Internet?

Go to....  (give them  your  cloaked  affiliate  link) Then  pick  a  few  bullets  from  the product  your  sell  and  ask  for  the order. DONE. Tools  that  I  use, I  use Skype to  call  my clients and  I  use  to  schedule  calls.  It  is very easy to  use those services.  I  also  use  to  build my email  list. How to get traffic... Easiest  way:  buy a  solo  ad.  If you do  not  know  what  this means,  go  to Ad swapping  is OK  also.  But  there's one problem... When you talk  to  people,  some of them  will  be COMPLETELY  BROKE. 

You do  not  want  to talk  to  them. You can  solve this problems in  many ways:-Before you get  on  a  phone with them,  you tell  them  they need to  have at  least  $0 to  spend on  advertising,  tools-You generate  traffic  that  has  that  money (you  get  leads from  a  different  source   go  and look for  solo  ads  from  people who  have LISTS  OF BUYERS)-You talk  to  people only from  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,  UNITED KINGDOM , LONDON, ENGLAND, UNITED...... etc.  Use GEO  targeting  option  of Core Click  Maximizer to  redirect  international  traffic  to  different  places. Or,  you can  do  all  of them,  which  is what  I  like doing.--Don't  spend more than  $200  the first  time you buy advertising. I  suggest  that  you buy a  solo  ad from  one of those providers that  can  be found on  this  page: You can  also  go  to sell  advertising. Then   to  find people who Then  people who  sell  products.  Ask  them  if they  sell  solo  ads.  All  of them  will  if the price is RIGHT. So  that's how  you get  traffic  :) How To Monetize This Traffic So  now  you know  how  to  get  traffic,  but  what  do  you do  with  this traffic?  You send them  to  a capture page. You collect  email  addresses from  them.  You want  to  build  a  relationship  with those people. Then,  you let  them  know  you offer  a  free coaching  call.  That's  it.  If they do  not  schedule a coaching  call  with you,  sell  affiliate products to  them.


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